In the Northern Hemisphere, it is autumn. The preparation of the fields, the sowing, the caring for the crop and the time of waiting have finished. Harvest is over.
However, if you haven’t invested your time and energy, the seed, water and care into the fields, the yield will be little or none.
In the Gospel, the master provides the servants with “talents”.
Whereas the original meaning of “talent” is a weight, it later became a currency – and today, we use it to describe special skills.
These special skills that we call “talents” are gifts of God. We all have different talents. Some people might seem to have more than others, but we all have talents, and we are asked to use them wisely.
We need to have the courage to develop them further. Every development, every planting and sowing bears risks – but we know that “nothing ventured, nothing gained”.
In the Gospel, the master provided his servants with gifts, talents to develop. They were not distributed fairly one might say but they were distributed according to their abilities.
God provides us with the seed, the light, with the hands and with our work force. We need to receive everything with willing hands to produce “fruit of our hands” and to have “fruit of the earth and work of human hands”.
We are called to be alert and not complacent. We are children of light and joy. Let us discover our gifts, our talents and use them wisely.
Eleanor Powell once summed up this idea with the words:
“What we are is God’s gift to us. What we become is our gift to God.”