
September 2024

Kia ora and greetings,

On the 21st of September, we will observe the International Day of Peace around the world. The United Nations General Assembly has declared this as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, both within and among all nations and peoples. “Education is one of the principal means to build a culture of peace.”
For this occasion I have used the recording of a recent presentation that I gave on the topic of “Quest for Peace” and uploaded it on Muffin Talk.

After my presentation on the Ulm Minster, Germany, for which the founding stone was laid in 1377, I have arranged to give a presentation on the Church Councils and the church of St John the Baptist in Mairangi Bay, Auckland, on 24 September, 7-8pm. This church was dedicated and blessed in September 1994, and is a fine example of how recommendations from the Second Vatican Council were carried out.

On 21 October, 7-8.30pm, Dr Nicholas Thompson will join us for an online presentation on the topic of “The debate about the Eucharist which divided Protestants among themselves, but also Catholics and Protestants“.  More details will be available in our next newsletter.

In September/October, the Auckland Inter-Faith Council is organising 5 events in their annual series “Exploring Sacred Spaces”.

Don’t miss out on resources on our website: thought-provoking reflections and quotes, booklets and beautiful greeting cards with pictures from Auckland gardens.
For more information, interviews and videoclips, please see our website.
If you are on Social Media, follow us on  YouTube and Facebook or on our Webfeed so that you don’t miss any new items on our website.

Recent YouTube videos:

Mary in the Early Historywith Professor emeritus Thomas O’Loughlin
The Exaltation of the Crosswith Fr Douglas Al-Bazi
The Quest for Peacewith Beate Matthies.

If you want to make sure that you don’t miss any news from us, please check out our webfeed at: or subscribe to our YouTube channel (just click on the Subscribe button on the videos) or follow us on Facebook.

Many blessings

Beate Matthies—Titipounamu Study & Joy

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