St Patrick – Muffin Talk with Thomas O’Loughlin
St Patrick is part of the identity of Ireland - but what do we really know about him?What languages did he speak and why does the feast day of this…
St Patrick is part of the identity of Ireland - but what do we really know about him?What languages did he speak and why does the feast day of this…
Overview of Video Recordings with YouTube links
Fr Chris Skinner SM is a singer-songwriter and Marist Priest.Music during the Liturgy and during retreats - singing together touches peoples' heart and creates community.
The Eucharist in early Christianity - Prof Thomas O'Loughlin taking us to Thessalonica in the time of St Paul:
On 14 September, many Christians celebrate the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross.This celebration recalls the restoration of Jesus' cross in 629 AD. For the Chaldean Community this…
The fourth Sunday of Lent is Laetare Sunday. Just like we have Gaudete Sunday as a 'breather' during the time of Advent, this is a Sunday of Joy during our…
Part I: Do we gather as consumers or celebrants? Part II: Gathered for the Word of God Part III: Gathered about the Lord's Table Part IV: Private…
Books on Liturgy by Prof Thomas O'Loughlin, emerited Professor of Historical Theology at the University of Nottingham in the UK.
Prof Thomas O'Loughlin is Emeritus Professor of Historical Theology. He explains the notion of 'church'.