Titipounamu Study & Joy – Mug
TSJ Mug - Back Cost: $20/mug plus postage.Payment can be made via PayPal or to:Titipounamu Study & Joy, Beate Matthies, Account: 38-9019-0336891-00 (Kiwibank)
TSJ Mug - Back Cost: $20/mug plus postage.Payment can be made via PayPal or to:Titipounamu Study & Joy, Beate Matthies, Account: 38-9019-0336891-00 (Kiwibank)
Greeting Cards in different sizes are now available. Greeting Cards by Beate Matthies Design 01 - Bougainvillea Design 02 - Yellow-Red Lily Design 03 -Begonias Design 04: Vireya Design 05:…
In the 673 Issue of NZ Catholic, Pat McCarthy wrote a review of our booklet: Order your booklet here.
The Religious Diversity Centre has produced a beautiful calendar that is featuring diverse religions within Aotearoa New Zealand.Every month includes the dates and names of religious feasts or commemorative occasions.For…
Books on Liturgy by Prof Thomas O'Loughlin, emerited Professor of Historical Theology at the University of Nottingham in the UK.
Ecolyte Soy Candles are lovingly hand-poured in Auckland, New Zealand, using the finest quality soy wax, scented with exquisite fragrances.One of the great advantages is that you can get your…