Suzanne Mahon on Muffin Talk
Introduction to the Baha'i Faith
Interfaith Articles, Links
In this Muffin Talk, Dr Christopher Longhurst introduces us to KAICIID. KAICIID is an intergovernmental organisation. Their advisory forum is made up of 60 religious leaders from the world's major…
Wonderful Interfaith initiative - recycling and giving dignity to the marginalised.
Beth Lew introduces a project that builds communities and helps to mitigate Climate Change
Paul Blaschke shares his passion for the environment.
Ram Lingam talks about Magh Snan the celebrtaion that is featured in the 2022 RDC calendar for the month of January.
The Religious Diversity Centre has published its Interfaith Calendar for 2022.It can be purchased online.
Dr Christopher Longhurst introduces his book "Pictoral Art for Interreligious Dialogue"