Fr Kevin Waldie sm – Muffin Talk Video
The Revised New Jerusalem Bible: capturing the original texts but at the same time eloquently communicate these texts to today's audience.
The Revised New Jerusalem Bible: capturing the original texts but at the same time eloquently communicate these texts to today's audience.
"The table - a symbol of synodality" - what does it mean in the light of Corinthians 10:1-5 where Paul points out that we are all brothers and sisters without…
Muffin Talk - Radio Programme since 2014
Fr John Vianney Makanda is a Diocesan priest in Uganda.On Muffin Talk he gives information on his country, the Catholic Church in Uganda and their preparation for the Synodal Journey.…
Interview with Pat Lythe who has actively participated in two Synods in the past.
Synodality explained - An interview with Rev. Fr. Prof. Vimal Tirimanna CSsR
The Synodal Journey and the Ecclesial Assembly for the Church in Latin America and the Caribbean